Question and Answers
Where can I find most recent user manuals for our product?
Please fill out the contact form and ask for specific manuals, SOPs or application notes.
Let us know the name of model and variant and if possible also the serial number and software version.
What are the best models for fluorescent spots detection?
Bioreader® 7000 -F or EazyReader® 7000
Does BIOSYS supply a ‘zero’, ‘blank’ or ‘master’ protocols?
Yes, BIOSYS supplies such type of protocols.
What is the maximal number of MPixel / well on a Bioreader® 7000?
Maximal 12 * 12 segments/well may be scanned. This are 144* 4 MPixel = 567 MPixel/well.
Special algorithms make it possible to count overlapping objects between the segments.
For a day by day use typical 4 or 9 fields per well are scanned causing to 16 to 36 MPixel/well.
Why does BIOSYS use 5 MPixel cameras for Elispot counting?
Most Elispot publications are based on Elispot readers with 1 MPixel camera or less pixels.
The counts are reliable and verified.
Camera with 10 - 25 and more MPixel create a tremendous amount of useless (garbage) information.
However on some models like EazyReader® 7000 a 12 MPixel camera is used because of the larger chip size to display large field of view.
Why do some manufacturers specify cameras > 5 MPixel for Elispot?
Just for the purpose of proclaiming a ‘unique feature’.
For Elispot it makes no sense. In the day-by-day use the pixels may typically be reduced by use the 'binning' method, that means combining 2x2 or more pixels.
May it be useful anyway to use cameras > 5 MPixel for other applications?
Yes, in order to use ‘electronic magnification’ or to see a larger field of view.
The image is ‘croped’ and just a part of the image is used and zoomed electronical to full size.
However, this way maybe just 2 or 4 MPixel are used on a 25 MPixel camera.
‘Real optical magnification’ is better and no loss of resolution occurs.
Do more pixels generate a higher fluoro sensitivity?
No, on the contrary!
The more pixels there are on a chip, the smaller the pixels are.
Less photons reach each pixel. Sensitivity is reciprocal to the number of pixels.
What is the resolution you can reach with EazyReader® 7000 on a multiwell?
Single cell > 3 µ,Foci 10-2000 µ or Plaques 100-5000 µ,cell clones 50 - 2000 µ and more